Friday, May 15, 2015

Caring for Koi Ponds

Caring for Koi Ponds
Caring for Koi Ponds
TREATING KOI POND - Many koi hobbyist beginners think that they can simply enter into a koi pond, feeding and enough to see them grow. Regardless of the condition of the pond and the water, but the Koi fish are very sensitive to changes in their ecosystems. Ecosystem change for the worse the health of the koi fish will decrease and difficult to develop, and even lead to death.

To treat the koi pond koi fish in order to remain in good shape and beautiful, there are some important things to be done include:
1. Keep the surface of the pool to keep them clean of impurities such as leaves and other debris. The leaves are falling into a koi pond and rot will increase the amount of ammonia dissolved in water.

2. Check the pool filter regularly. Make sure there are no blockages and impurities that inhibit the work of the filter. Pool filters that do not work well would make the koi pond dirty conditions and poor water.

3. Clean basic koi pond with a vacuum cleaner for the bottom of the pond or other media deengan. Sewage sludge at the bottom of the pond koi potentially booming ammonia berbahatya for koi fish health.

4. Check the volume pool periodically. Naturally koi pond water will be reduced due to evaporation. Check the depth of the pool water once a week and add water as needed is a good thing. In addition there is the possibility of a leak in the system even at the pool filter.

5. Always monitor the koi. Koi behavior usually show certain symptoms will perching of a disease. For example, koi often rubbed body, there could be bacteria or mites that landed on his body.

6. Provide additional nutrients in fish and pond if necessary.

7. Control the growth of algae / algae with Algaecida or by natural means, such as a good filter, UV Lamp and others.

8. Limit polulasi fish in the pond in order not overpopulated. Excessive amount of fish will increase the levels of ammonia in the pool which will endanger the health of the koi fish.

Caring koi is basically how health care is a good koi pond water. If the health condition of both the koi pond koi will grow well and beautiful to look at. If you maintain Koi Pond with Good and right then, will be healthy Koi fish away from any illness

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