Thursday, May 14, 2015

Ogon Koi Aka sheen Hikarimono

Hikari Mono or more known by the name Ogon koi with metallic color and only has one color only. In Japanese Hikari means a metallic or shiny, while mono means one. While Ogon itself means gold. Another term for Hikari Koi Ogon is Mujimono which actually contains a double word, because praise itself mean one.

Ogon Koi consists of several types that are based on the color of the fish, such as koi metallic white / platinum so-called Platinum Ogon. While Ogon bright yellow or almost like gold called Yamabuki Ogon.

Nezu Ogon koi are metallic with gray base color (gray), while Orenji Ogon Ogon is colored orange metallic.

Because the colors are bright and brilliant koi Ogon be easy to see. Ogon strength is the quality of the Hikari or metallic color brilliance. In addition to color brilliance on Ogon, net pattern on the scales also beautify this koi.
Ogon Koi Aka sheen Hikarimono
Yamabuki Ogon, Platinum Ogon, Orenji Ogon, and Nezu Ogon

When compared with Koi with scales Ginrin, Ogon almost have in common. To distinguish the two types of koi is indeed a bit difficult, but if you see both simultaneously will be distinguished more easily.
Sheen on Ginrin more visible koi reflects the light while on Ogon tend evenly on the back of the skin. This is because of the placement of different color pigmentation between Ogon and Ginrin. Important part is the difference between the two is on the edge of the fish scales.
Since it only has one color Ogon assessment based on quality, metallic colors and of course on the body conformation. Ogon also has a fast character in its growth and fairly tame if maintained.
If you are looking for Ogon koi while still young then select koi that the head is clean and no stains at all, almost as bald but has a surface sheen. Along with age, the color will tend to be more gelam Ogon and appear spots on the head are not expected.

The Cute Fish Molly Balloon

MOLLY FISH BALLOON - Latin name is Poelicia latipinna of fish Molly Sailfin molly, but because these fish belly distended like balloons as adults many are calling balloon molly fish. Distended shape and cute fish is the primary attraction for fans of ornamental fish. With shades of color are manifold and quite cheaply, making Molly balloon hunted fish ornamental fish enthusiasts from children to adults.

Molly fish is one commodity freshwater fish in Indonesia. It is said that this fish comes from the region of Mexico, Florida, Virginia. Molly fish, including the type of fish "live brearer" (giving birth), not including fish spawn and omnivores.

Until now there are different varieties and colors that are very much of this is due to crossbreeding and mutation. The beauty of fish Molly balloon will be more apparent when the fish is already quite large and shaped like a ball. This fish will look very nice as mini goldfish.

Maintaining Molly Fish Balloon
Balloon Molly fish including fish which is quite easy to maintain and does not require varying properties. Enough kept in an aquarium, plastic buckets, cement tanks or other media. To maintain these fish do not need intensive care because these fish have a high immunity. Molly fish are not susceptible to disease and have enough endurance both in adapting to its environment.

The natural habitat of fish Molly Balloon water temperature 25-28 ° C with a pH of 8 and a hardness of about 14-20 ° dH. However, as has long been maintained in areas with pH neutral (approximately 7) the moment it seems cultivation in the neutral pH region was already no problem.
The Cute Fish Molly Balloon
Molly Fish Balloon
Molly breeding is almost the same as the guppy. Only the result will be great if somewhat harsh water conditions. To that end, the addition of salt about one tablespoon per three liters of water will help multiply the production of chicks molly. In addition, the adequacy of the sun is a requirement in order to successfully cultivate molly. Molly will become a parent after five months old. Selling approximately 2.5-3.0 cm size that can be achieved within 3-4 months
Yellow Balloon Molly

To distinguish between male and female balloon molly fish is very easy. Compared to males, females are usually fatter. Male dorsal fin longer and wider and its body is smaller and slimmer than the female.

How to fish breeding Molly Balloon

Molly fish spawning balloon fairly easy, but nevertheless need to be made good preparations. Especially if it will be programmed certain colors and patterns of the tiller of this balloon molly, then the selection is very important partner.

Preparation of the implementation process include the cultivation, preparation of containers, holding elections, spawning, larvae care, and harvesting. Here are the steps:

Choose the parent of relatively large, swollen body shape and have a beautiful color.
The parents who have been included in a tub for a few pairs of parent. But if want certain breeds can also be done by separating the pairs separate tub.
Spawning tanks should be controlled every day. After birth, children fish should be quickly taken and separated from its mother in order not to be eaten by its mother.

Balloon Molly Breeding

Molly fish larvae or tiller balloons that have been born and separated in a separate place can be given food such as water fleas, worms silk or fine pellets or crushed by soaking in hot water, let stand a few minutes, after it is formed into little balls. After 3 months old seed, it can be done harvesting can be sold or presented to friends and relatives. Good Luck.

Source :

Basic Tips Make Koi Pond

The first thing to note for beginners is Make penggenar Koi Koi Ponds representative for the survival and health of Koi. The quality of water in the Koi pond is a decisive factor of success maintain Koi. Koi beauty and health is strongly influenced by the water conditions in the koi pond. Representative koi pond include sufficient condition for Koi life and beauty when viewed. Some Koi enthusiasts there are not too ignore this second aspect, but there are some who are too stressed the aspect of beauty but forget the sufficient condition for the Koi pond. Koi are fish that will look beautiful when seen from the back instead of the side, then maintain Koi aquarium will not be able to enjoy the beauty of koi optimally.

Koi Pond depth
Some people think that in order to enjoy the beauty of the Koi, they Make a shallow Koi pool between 30 cm to 50 cm, so the Koi is easy to see, in fact legitimate this assumption, but the shallow pool will make Koi can not grow in size jumbo. When Koi Jumbo maintained at Shallow pool will gradually make the body Koi be bent so that detract from the beauty. The solution is Making Koi pool with considerable depth but water is always clean and clear so despite deep enough pool Koi Koi can still see despite being at the bottom of the pool though.

Make Koi Pond representative indeed require no small cost that sometimes collide with the cost provided because it is in Making Swimming Koi have to adjust to the conditions. Better pond with a small size, but the quality is better than a great pool but poor water quality. However, the basic principles that can be held Koi Pond is easy care and more important to maintain the health and quality of Koi.

Basic Tips Make Koi Pond
Swimming-Koi Building a Koi Pond With Proper Will Add Beauty

Besides the Make Koi pool that should be considered is how many Koi that will be maintained and how the size of the Koi to be achieved. Small size and shallow pool that can not support the growth of koi achieve Jumbo size. Furthermore in line with the growth of Koi fish in the pond will produce manure and ammonia content increased in the pool. This will affect the health and lives of the Koi.
Oxygen sources Important In Making Koi Pond
To be able Making optimal Koi pool there are two things to consider first is the Source of enough oxygen and filter system that baik.Sebagaimana other animals, Koi fish need oxygen to breathe and quite susceptible to the condition that an oxygen mimim. Because it is necessary supali sufficient oxygen in the koi pond. Oxygen can be produced from water movement koi pond, for example, is made with the addition of a waterfall or aerator in a koi pond. The filter system is also holding the important role to maintain the quality of water in the pond.

Because the filter is mandatory equipment in Making a Koi Pond. Filter system in the Koi Pond is not enough just to produce water clean and clear just as well as a pool by adding chlorine for example. For Koi Chlorine is a hazardous substance that is enough for survival. Filter system in the Koi Pond Koi pond should also ensure free from harmful chemicals. Then the biological filter system of choice in the koi pond.

Build-koi-pond Enough oxygen, Creating Healthy Koi Pond


1. Koi Pond Location
Better location Koi Pond is near the house, in order to enjoy its beauty and fed at least twice a day. Avoid Making Koi Pond under trees because the leaves can contaminate the pool and avoid in places that are not safe from pests and irresponsible people.

2. Make better Koi Pond in Underground, by digging the ground. Because the beauty of Koi is on the back. Koi pond as an aquarium failed to give a good view for the beauty of koi.

3. Filter System The good Koi Pond

4. Source of Oxygen for Koi Ponds

5. Size Swimming Koi, available land should not be allocated all of the koi pond but leaving 30% to the filter chamber. Adjust also the number of fish, the size of the fish to be maintained. Think carefully when it will build a koi pond with a large measure due to the operation would require a large pump power and greater maintenance costs as well.

6. The depth of the pool Koi, Koi pond should ideally have a depth of 2 meters or otherwise allow about 1 meter. With this depth the temperature at the koi pond between day and night is not experiencing significant difference. Temperature changes kuran striking good for Koi. Koi must always adapt to environmental changes. Deep pool of Koi tend to make growth more quickly and create a safe and comfortable koi.

7. Forms pool
Basically a free form pool is optional, which should be an entry form should not be any part of the die (Death Area), make sure the water is always flowing from waterfall to every corner of the pool. Part dead pool will make bacteria and algae to grow and thrive in these places.

8. Angle and basic pool
Strive part of the meeting between the curved side of the pool and avoid an angle of 90 degrees, to avoid the dead area. Basic parts Swimming not made flat, create the most central part (Botom Drain) deeper and edges toward the middle tilted 20 to 40 degrees. Fish excrement and food remnants will settle at the bottom of the pool with a sloping models will make Kotora collected and easy to clean.

9. Do not put sharp objects on the material and Koi Pond, such as decorative rocks, cement is not smooth pengaciannya. Koi movement sometimes sangt attractive this material can hurt and harm koi.

10. To add Water Pipe pralon. Waterfall, filter systems, water evaporation will reduce the amount of water in the pool, prepare pralon pipe for adding water easily from wells or PAM.

11. Overflow, Prepare sinkhole to anticipate if the water overflows, for example because of rain.

12. Bottom Drain, drain holes at the bottom of the pond to clean the pool.

Koi Fish food

Koi Fish food
Koi Fish food

The food at the koi fish is generally used to stimulate growth, improve the quality of color and maintain the health of the fish. Koi fish have the metabolic functions of the body are best at temperatures above 21 degrees Celsius. Therefore apart from foods that contain the essential elements needed Koi, also need to consider the right moment to deliver the food. In giving food to the koi must be maintained and ideal balanced composition between foods intended for development and food to brighten the colors. Food growth stimulant (for development) that too much will make the color of the Koi become faded, despite the growth of the fish will be very fast. Feeding with excessive enhancher color is also not good because the growth will be hampered. Make koi become beautiful and well developed is to set the following foods diet.


Food has an important role for the growth and development of Koi fish. In addition to dietary factors other factors that affect the growth of Koi is water quality, water temperature, density of fish in the pool, spacious pool and heredity. Although koi fish can grow and increase in size as age increases, but at the ripe age of reproduction (less lebuih 2 years) growth of koi fish will experience a slowdown. At this time a larger food used for the production of eggs in females and production Koi Koi Sperm for males.

Food for koi fish as well as other animals have to contain to contain multiple elements, such as protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

1. Protein

Proteins are made of amino acids. Thirteen essential amino acids must be contained in Koi diet. Protein allow koi to grow, repair damaged tissue and produce eggs or sperm with good. Lack of protein or amino acids essential cause koi fish grow more slowly and if this problem persists, it can cause deformation of the spine. Excellent chose Koi foods in the form of pellets which have a high protein percentage (above 30%). Natural protein can be obtained from natural animal like silk worms.

2. Fat

Fat is a source of energy for koi fish, their important role in providing fattyacids, such as triglycerides and phospholipids, a vital component of the membrane that surrounds the entire cell wall. Koi can make almost all the fatty acids they need with the exception of linoleic and linolenic acids, which are very important and must be supplied in the diet. Linolenic acid needed for growth. All fats are made in a similar way to the proteins, but of fatty acids, rather than amino acids, bound together with glycerol. If the essential fatty acid is removed from the diet, symptoms of damaged fins, the heart and can lead to liver problems. Fat has a low melting point and because it is more easily digested by koi fish.

Fats can be obtained from food from fish, soy and corn oil and wheat. Fatty acids become rancid when in contact with air, known as a chemical oxidation process. In koi, the liver is the main organ to store fat and if fed spoiled food to them, can cause illness and death.

3. Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates also form the energy for metabolism of koi fish. Too many carbohydrates would be very bad for the health of koi, which resulted in degeneration of the liver in storing substances glikogen.Squash, bread, peas, citrus fruits and watermelon is a good source of carbohydrates.

4. Vitamins

Vitamins are essential for body metabolism and growth of koi fish, vitamin requirements are increased during spawning. Vitamins are substances structured complex, only needed in small amounts in food, but deficiencies can cause clinical disorders. Vitamins are divided into two categories: fat soluble and water soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins are found in many forms, all of which are metabolized slowly and can be stored in body fat. Excess fat-soluble vitamins can cause a condition known as hypervitaminosis, which, depending on the vitamin, can cause clinical disorders. Water-soluble vitamins are easily absorbed and do not normally excreted. Vitamins A, D, E, K, B1, B2, B6, B12, Biotin, Choline and Folic Acid. Vitamin C - Keeping the immune system to increase resistance to disease.

5. Mineral

Minerals, will help basic metabolic functions, and perform their own tasks, which include building skeletal structures, osmoregulation, neural development, and maintain the efficiency of gas exchange in the blood system. Little is known about mineral deficiencies in fish, probably because most of the minerals are absorbed from the surrounding water. Usually 12 percent of the diet consists of mineral, contained in fish food in the form of ash.


Basically everything Koi are eating animals (omnivores), because it can be given any food. Koi food can be provided in the form of natural or pellet form. Natural foods derived from vegetables and animals are all around us. For example can be given growth of silk worms, caterpillars hongkong, snails, shrimp, mussels, earthworms, Dapnia (water fleas) and others. Of vegetables and fruits can be given kale, carrots, watermelon, oranges and others. Koi food in the form of pellets also have forms and diverse nutrient content in general there are two forms: floating and sinking. Food float allows us to see and observe koi when consuming food surface.

Koi pellets price is also very diverse, ranging precious cheap to expensive. Koi feed imported from Japan are usually high-priced but good quality. Koi feed the good is the food that contains all the substances needed Koi. Besides good food does not make a koi pond becomes cloudy and does not leave much residue. High-priced feed Koi Koi is usually given to high-priced super quality as well, if given to regular class Koi will only squander the money, because it will not provide significant changes in the koi.

In terms of the content of koi food has several functions, for growth usually has a high protein content. To brighten the colors usually contain carotenoids such as color enhancher Spirulina Algae are much menagndung Carotene. Carotene is a substance contained in a plant that are useful for Koi color brilliance. Algae Spirulina contains many of these substances. Carotene affects the red pigmentation, but if used in too high concentrations of lead white pigment in the koi will be pink.

Koi fish good color is not only enhanced by eating a good color enhancer, but need food that can improve health and good endurance because healthy fish tend to have a lighter color than the disease.

White on the koi will be brilliant if good environmental conditions. Red and yellow pigments thrive in water that is rich in green phytoplankton (single-celled plants). However, the pool containing phytoplankton is difficult to enjoy the beauty of the Koi because the water is green, because it needs a diet will increase the red pigmentation. Black pigment that is enriched in water with hard water with a pH level of 7.5 to 8.5. However, changing the pH level of the water and can affect the toxicity of ammonia and nitrite.


Most people generally feed the Koi 2-5 times a day. If Koi fed about 2-3 times a day, they will grow more slowly than if fed five times a day, if they were fed 3-5 times a day, they will grow rapidly and reach maximum size faster. Tips refurbish koi fish meal was better fed in small amounts but in a frequency that is often compared to give food in large quantities in the frequency slightly. Basically Koi fish do not have the stomach, if it is full, even though they want to eat the food will directly dikelurakan as dirt. The more koi fed, the more dirt will dikelurkan. Therefore to be considered to avoid overfeeding. Overfeeding would make the pool dirty easily and in the long term become distended abdomen koi (Potbelly).
Air temperature (C) Feeding Quantity Food Type
Less Than 10º Do not feed the Koi
The temperature at 10 ° C. over one month may require additional eating a low protein and high in carbohydrates. For Koi Living in a cold seasonal area
10-13 2-3 times a week or if Koi Hungry high carbohydrate, low protein,
4-5 times per week or if Koi Hungry.
Low protein (25%) pellets, high carbohydrate, vegetables and fruit.
15-18 C
Once a day and the amount of protein levels increased to (35%. Vegetables and Fruits
18-22 C
One or two times a day
35% protein pellet, add fruits and vegetables and plankton as a variation.
22-26 C
3 to 4 times a day with protein pellets tinggu (35% to 40%), color enhancers. Add plankton, vegetables, and fruits.

Koi Feeding Tips

Koi are omnivorous animals that can eat almost anything. Not only as an ornamental, maintaining koi hobby also helps maintain balance in an ecosystem because they can survive on certain algae, insects, and mosquito larvae. But feeding the koi sometimes give peace of its own. In addition, pay attention to a balanced diet koi koi healthy produce the ideal body and brilliant colors.
Two small children were feeding the Koi (image source:

Two small children were feeding the Koi (image source:

Koi can be varied types of food both natural and artificial feed. Apapapun you give, make sure the appropriate requirements and contain balanced nutrition. Preserver koi often give supplements of vegetable, shrimp, worms, bread, even though citrus fruit or watermelon. There are also many processed foods in the form of pellets available in pet stores peliharan. Feed pellets must be stored in a closed place in order to keep the quality, and used within a maximum of three months in order to avoid oxidation.

There is a special feed that can be given to improve certain qualities. Growth fat and elongated, for example, can be triggered by the administration of high protein wheat germ. While food to reinforce the color of koi are substances that have a high carotene, namely vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, algae) or animal sources such as crabs and worms. Be careful in giving rice and bread, because the carbohydrate content could be the cause of obesity.

The frequency and amount of Feeding the Koi

It is important to keep in mind when feeding koi, just give food to be discharged within 5 minutes (no exaggeration!). Koi do not have the stomach, and therefore can not take in significant amounts at once. But koi have a tendency overeating, which can even lead to death.

Give overeating causes many koi dirt can contaminate the pool due to undigested food, as well as a surge in levels of ammonia and nitrite. Two of these chemicals are harmful to koi because it quickly leads to stress and pain. For that direkomendsikan to feed small amounts several times a day.

Avoid changing the feed with different brands of a sudden. When the need to change his food, do it gradually, mixing old and new food until koi can adapt to his new diet.

How to feed the koi are also very dependent climate or temperature of the pool water. At low temperatures koi respiratory function and metabolism slows down as the principle of hibernation, so the frequency of feeding should be reduced.

The table below can be a reference feeding the koi depends on the temperature.

Air temperature Frequency feeding food type
<10 C Do not be fed more than one month may be given supplements high in carbohydrates, low in protein
10-13 C 2-3 times a week when hungry koi High-carbohydrate, low protein
13-15 C 4-5 times a week when hungry koi pellets are low in protein and vegetables
16-18 C Once a day Add a small amount of protein in the pellet, vary with fruits and vegetables
18-22 C 1-2 times a day with 35% protein pellets. Vegetables, fruit, plankton for variation
22-26 C 3-4 times daily high-protein pellets (35-40%) with color amplifier. Add as a natural food supplement from time to time

Know the Different Types of Koi Fish

Know the Different Types of Koi Fish | Aquarium ornamental fish - koi carp culture are used as ornamental fish originally came from Japan. Indeed koi carp is the result of crossbreeding of various colors goldfish (carp). Years past, some farmers in Niigata Japan requires a source of protein throughout the long winter.
They maintain carp in the pond until they reach a specific size. Furthermore, some farmers understand that most of the carp that have not the same color, so they are always maintained and in exaggerated. From there the beginning of koi fish farming started up until most of hundred years old. then naturally change quickly enough.

Along with the development of fish farming koi, koi fish Type natural changes and the development of so many types. Some types are based on the color pattern koi, scales and so on. Furthermore, very many several types of koi fish koi fish arranged in a classification as well as identification. In this class semasing there are many sub groups are also quite a lot of variety. Koi fish are common classification consists of types of Koi Gosanke, Shiro, Utsurimono, Asagi, Tancho, Hikarimono, Goromo, Hikarimoyo, Matsuba, and Kawarimono. Below that is the study of the classification koi semasing type:

1. Gosanke

Koi Gosanke classification is the most popular koi fish as well as many found in a group of several admirers koi. Which included also in this group is the Kohaku, Sanke, and Showa. Koi Gosanke family is combined with the color black, red and white. Kohaku exception that does not have an element of black color.
Know the Different Types of Koi Fish
Is the Kohaku koi with red and white. Red pattern intended Hi. Hi must not be thin with a good edge. There are various types of inequality Kohaku color pattern. There are broken, there is a large and sweeping. Kohaku is good to have a pattern that does not descend through the eyes and balanced.
Sanke is the Kohaku koi fish like pattern (black and white), but they have a pattern of black around their backs. Black pattern in question is sumi. Looking for a good Sanke ie having a Kohaku Hi pattern. Black pattern can not appear in his head. Sanke is persilangangan Kohaku with Shiro Bekko.

Know the Different Types of Koi Fish
Showa is a koi fish with white, black and red. Showa generally the result of a cross on Kohaku and Shiro Utsuri.

2. Bekko

Shiro Bekko
Shiro Bekko that type koi white with small black pattern. Pattern (black) sumi on Shiro must Bekko balanced and has a sharp edge (Kiwa). Shiro Shiro Bekko Utsuri and has some similarities, because the same color pattern. As well as the inequality in Bekko Shiro Shiro Shiro Utsuri Utsuri namely the black color pattern having an increasingly large black being Shiro Bekko have a little black.
Ki Bekko
Shiro Bekko that type of Koi white with small black pattern. Pattern (black) sumi on Shiro must Bekko balanced and has a sharp edge (Kiwa). Shiro Shiro Bekko Utsuri and has some similarities, because the same color pattern. As well as the inequality in Bekko Shiro Shiro Shiro Utsuri Utsuri namely the black color pattern having an increasingly large black being Shiro Bekko have a little black. Ki Bekko
Ki koi Bekko is yellow with black pattern on it. Like Shiro Bekko, but basically bright yellow color. Pattern (black) sumi on Ki Bekko must balance as well as having the edge (kiwa) sharp. Ki Bekko rather frequently than its cousin, Shiro Bekko.

Aka Bekko
Aka Bekko is a red koi fish with a black pattern on it. The black color makes an interesting and beautiful spot.

3. Utsurimono

Shiro Utsuri
Shiro Utsuri, is black, and white koi fish with a unique color pattern and interesting. Shiro Utsuri side of the head consists of black and white, can not just consist of a single color (Black only or white only). Not the same as shiro Bekko, shiro Utsuri are koi with black base color.
Ki Utsuri
Ki Utsuri almost as well with Shiro Utsuri, only the color of the Ki Utsuri is yellow and the Black. Color pattern and the same assessment requirements also with Shiro Utsuri.
Hi Utsuri
Hi Utsuri are koi with red and black that make unique and interesting patterns.

4. Asagi

Asagi koi fish is a type that has long existed. Asagi koi is blue with a red belly, beauty Asagi exist in most major pattern that looks like scales not thick net-shaped pattern above the basic color indigo. Ideally Asagi has a pure white head.
Shusui is a type of family Asagi koi fish but do not have scales. Scales on Shusui just there on the back only. Color scales are ideally dark and there during the back by way of a complete and neat.

5. Tancho

Tancho Goromo
Tancho Goromo is a koi that has a spherical pattern in the head, which is shaped pattern Goromo / wine.
Tancho Kohaku
Know the Different Types of Koi Fish

Tancho Kohaku koi merukana white with red dots on the head. The more rounded and more sharply raise koi beauty of this type.
Tancho Goshiki
Tancho Tancho Goshiki have a pattern in the head with color and body scales that type Goshiki koi.
Tancho Kujaku

Tancho Sanke

Maintain Koi For Beginners

Keeping Koi is a very enjoyable pastime, because the beauty of koi fish capable of soothing the views and peace of mind. Jumbo koi that swim around the house into separate entertainment relieve fatigue working day. Most Japanese people believe that keeping koi can bring hockey to the owner. But some people are not too concerned with it. What is clear some koi lovers have experience maintaining koi with diligence and patience, because hobby unwittingly produce koi with superior quality in various contests and win koinya finally rewarded with an expensive price, this might be called hockey in maintaining koi.

In spite of it all for lovers of koi beginner course a lot of things that must be understood and taken into consideration before starting maintain Koi fish. Many novice koi lovers should stress because koi purchased at high prices to death after being put into the pool, instead want to find entertainment by viewing the beauty of koi swimming in the pool but even dizzy see koi fish floating in the pond and constantly dying. Do not worry, here are some tips to maintain Koi for beginners, though not guarantee 100% success in maintaining Koi but at least minimizing the risk of death.

Maintain Koi For Beginners
Koi Fish

Basic Koi Care


1. Preparation Swimming Koi Good
2. Choosing A healthy Koi
3. The amount of Koi should not be too dense in the pool, adjust the size of the pool by the number of farmed fish. Solid made koi pond does not grow optimally and susceptible to disease.
Koi pond water quality is a determinant of success in maintaining Koi, koi experts say that keeping koi pond is to maintain good water quality. Koi pond should be free of chemicals, new Koi pond usually made of cement still remains a dangerous odor. Remove beforehand by soaking in water for several days, and do not rush to enter into a koi pond. After soaking waste water and fill with clean water.

Many type and quality available in the market and Koi Koi Farm, from lower-priced to high-priced. Select the appropriate financial condition and taste, which is important Koi in Healthy Conditions. Most koi lovers suggest better maintain koi with good quality 3 tails than ugly koi maintain the number of 100 individuals.

Koi Fish
4. The amount of food given Yag not excess ive and select good quality food. Many koi food available on the market from cheap to expensive precious. Good food Koi usually expensive because most imported from Japan. In addition to good quality food is also adapted to the quality of the koi. Do not let valuable koi 20 thousand fed for 150ribu per / kg, will only make the dry bag koi but growth is not comparable with the funds. Provide excessive food made quickly murky pond, koi any given food will still eat but soon released into the dirt.

5. Keeping quality of the pond water in a clean condition
Water quality should always be kept stable in a clean condition, lest there changes in temperature and water conditions were very striking. Keeping the pool water quality is done by creating a filter system that good.Moreover with a good pool filter system, need replacement water as much as 10% of the maximum one week, if necessary more often than itu.Faktor determinants include quality color koi koi / bloodline (70 %), water (20%), and other factors (10%).

6. If you add new fish should be quarantined in advance, make sure not carry disease. After certainly not bring new diseases included into the pool.

7. Note the behavior of the fish at any time, sick fish usually show unusual behavior, immediately quarantined and treated. Oxygen deficiency is also a cause of death koi, note whether the Koi are always floating on the water surface sampil opened his mouth, this behavior will be more visible in the dawn, if so add the aerator.

8. Maintain koi for beginners should be of small size approximately 10-20 cm in order to learn to observe the development of koi from time to time. At that size is usually fairly easy to maintain and the price is still quite cheap. Welcome Maintaining Koi.