Thursday, May 14, 2015

Know the Different Types of Koi Fish

Know the Different Types of Koi Fish | Aquarium ornamental fish - koi carp culture are used as ornamental fish originally came from Japan. Indeed koi carp is the result of crossbreeding of various colors goldfish (carp). Years past, some farmers in Niigata Japan requires a source of protein throughout the long winter.
They maintain carp in the pond until they reach a specific size. Furthermore, some farmers understand that most of the carp that have not the same color, so they are always maintained and in exaggerated. From there the beginning of koi fish farming started up until most of hundred years old. then naturally change quickly enough.

Along with the development of fish farming koi, koi fish Type natural changes and the development of so many types. Some types are based on the color pattern koi, scales and so on. Furthermore, very many several types of koi fish koi fish arranged in a classification as well as identification. In this class semasing there are many sub groups are also quite a lot of variety. Koi fish are common classification consists of types of Koi Gosanke, Shiro, Utsurimono, Asagi, Tancho, Hikarimono, Goromo, Hikarimoyo, Matsuba, and Kawarimono. Below that is the study of the classification koi semasing type:

1. Gosanke

Koi Gosanke classification is the most popular koi fish as well as many found in a group of several admirers koi. Which included also in this group is the Kohaku, Sanke, and Showa. Koi Gosanke family is combined with the color black, red and white. Kohaku exception that does not have an element of black color.
Know the Different Types of Koi Fish
Is the Kohaku koi with red and white. Red pattern intended Hi. Hi must not be thin with a good edge. There are various types of inequality Kohaku color pattern. There are broken, there is a large and sweeping. Kohaku is good to have a pattern that does not descend through the eyes and balanced.
Sanke is the Kohaku koi fish like pattern (black and white), but they have a pattern of black around their backs. Black pattern in question is sumi. Looking for a good Sanke ie having a Kohaku Hi pattern. Black pattern can not appear in his head. Sanke is persilangangan Kohaku with Shiro Bekko.

Know the Different Types of Koi Fish
Showa is a koi fish with white, black and red. Showa generally the result of a cross on Kohaku and Shiro Utsuri.

2. Bekko

Shiro Bekko
Shiro Bekko that type koi white with small black pattern. Pattern (black) sumi on Shiro must Bekko balanced and has a sharp edge (Kiwa). Shiro Shiro Bekko Utsuri and has some similarities, because the same color pattern. As well as the inequality in Bekko Shiro Shiro Shiro Utsuri Utsuri namely the black color pattern having an increasingly large black being Shiro Bekko have a little black.
Ki Bekko
Shiro Bekko that type of Koi white with small black pattern. Pattern (black) sumi on Shiro must Bekko balanced and has a sharp edge (Kiwa). Shiro Shiro Bekko Utsuri and has some similarities, because the same color pattern. As well as the inequality in Bekko Shiro Shiro Shiro Utsuri Utsuri namely the black color pattern having an increasingly large black being Shiro Bekko have a little black. Ki Bekko
Ki koi Bekko is yellow with black pattern on it. Like Shiro Bekko, but basically bright yellow color. Pattern (black) sumi on Ki Bekko must balance as well as having the edge (kiwa) sharp. Ki Bekko rather frequently than its cousin, Shiro Bekko.

Aka Bekko
Aka Bekko is a red koi fish with a black pattern on it. The black color makes an interesting and beautiful spot.

3. Utsurimono

Shiro Utsuri
Shiro Utsuri, is black, and white koi fish with a unique color pattern and interesting. Shiro Utsuri side of the head consists of black and white, can not just consist of a single color (Black only or white only). Not the same as shiro Bekko, shiro Utsuri are koi with black base color.
Ki Utsuri
Ki Utsuri almost as well with Shiro Utsuri, only the color of the Ki Utsuri is yellow and the Black. Color pattern and the same assessment requirements also with Shiro Utsuri.
Hi Utsuri
Hi Utsuri are koi with red and black that make unique and interesting patterns.

4. Asagi

Asagi koi fish is a type that has long existed. Asagi koi is blue with a red belly, beauty Asagi exist in most major pattern that looks like scales not thick net-shaped pattern above the basic color indigo. Ideally Asagi has a pure white head.
Shusui is a type of family Asagi koi fish but do not have scales. Scales on Shusui just there on the back only. Color scales are ideally dark and there during the back by way of a complete and neat.

5. Tancho

Tancho Goromo
Tancho Goromo is a koi that has a spherical pattern in the head, which is shaped pattern Goromo / wine.
Tancho Kohaku
Know the Different Types of Koi Fish

Tancho Kohaku koi merukana white with red dots on the head. The more rounded and more sharply raise koi beauty of this type.
Tancho Goshiki
Tancho Tancho Goshiki have a pattern in the head with color and body scales that type Goshiki koi.
Tancho Kujaku

Tancho Sanke

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