Thursday, May 14, 2015

Basic Tips Make Koi Pond

The first thing to note for beginners is Make penggenar Koi Koi Ponds representative for the survival and health of Koi. The quality of water in the Koi pond is a decisive factor of success maintain Koi. Koi beauty and health is strongly influenced by the water conditions in the koi pond. Representative koi pond include sufficient condition for Koi life and beauty when viewed. Some Koi enthusiasts there are not too ignore this second aspect, but there are some who are too stressed the aspect of beauty but forget the sufficient condition for the Koi pond. Koi are fish that will look beautiful when seen from the back instead of the side, then maintain Koi aquarium will not be able to enjoy the beauty of koi optimally.

Koi Pond depth
Some people think that in order to enjoy the beauty of the Koi, they Make a shallow Koi pool between 30 cm to 50 cm, so the Koi is easy to see, in fact legitimate this assumption, but the shallow pool will make Koi can not grow in size jumbo. When Koi Jumbo maintained at Shallow pool will gradually make the body Koi be bent so that detract from the beauty. The solution is Making Koi pool with considerable depth but water is always clean and clear so despite deep enough pool Koi Koi can still see despite being at the bottom of the pool though.

Make Koi Pond representative indeed require no small cost that sometimes collide with the cost provided because it is in Making Swimming Koi have to adjust to the conditions. Better pond with a small size, but the quality is better than a great pool but poor water quality. However, the basic principles that can be held Koi Pond is easy care and more important to maintain the health and quality of Koi.

Basic Tips Make Koi Pond
Swimming-Koi Building a Koi Pond With Proper Will Add Beauty

Besides the Make Koi pool that should be considered is how many Koi that will be maintained and how the size of the Koi to be achieved. Small size and shallow pool that can not support the growth of koi achieve Jumbo size. Furthermore in line with the growth of Koi fish in the pond will produce manure and ammonia content increased in the pool. This will affect the health and lives of the Koi.
Oxygen sources Important In Making Koi Pond
To be able Making optimal Koi pool there are two things to consider first is the Source of enough oxygen and filter system that baik.Sebagaimana other animals, Koi fish need oxygen to breathe and quite susceptible to the condition that an oxygen mimim. Because it is necessary supali sufficient oxygen in the koi pond. Oxygen can be produced from water movement koi pond, for example, is made with the addition of a waterfall or aerator in a koi pond. The filter system is also holding the important role to maintain the quality of water in the pond.

Because the filter is mandatory equipment in Making a Koi Pond. Filter system in the Koi Pond is not enough just to produce water clean and clear just as well as a pool by adding chlorine for example. For Koi Chlorine is a hazardous substance that is enough for survival. Filter system in the Koi Pond Koi pond should also ensure free from harmful chemicals. Then the biological filter system of choice in the koi pond.

Build-koi-pond Enough oxygen, Creating Healthy Koi Pond


1. Koi Pond Location
Better location Koi Pond is near the house, in order to enjoy its beauty and fed at least twice a day. Avoid Making Koi Pond under trees because the leaves can contaminate the pool and avoid in places that are not safe from pests and irresponsible people.

2. Make better Koi Pond in Underground, by digging the ground. Because the beauty of Koi is on the back. Koi pond as an aquarium failed to give a good view for the beauty of koi.

3. Filter System The good Koi Pond

4. Source of Oxygen for Koi Ponds

5. Size Swimming Koi, available land should not be allocated all of the koi pond but leaving 30% to the filter chamber. Adjust also the number of fish, the size of the fish to be maintained. Think carefully when it will build a koi pond with a large measure due to the operation would require a large pump power and greater maintenance costs as well.

6. The depth of the pool Koi, Koi pond should ideally have a depth of 2 meters or otherwise allow about 1 meter. With this depth the temperature at the koi pond between day and night is not experiencing significant difference. Temperature changes kuran striking good for Koi. Koi must always adapt to environmental changes. Deep pool of Koi tend to make growth more quickly and create a safe and comfortable koi.

7. Forms pool
Basically a free form pool is optional, which should be an entry form should not be any part of the die (Death Area), make sure the water is always flowing from waterfall to every corner of the pool. Part dead pool will make bacteria and algae to grow and thrive in these places.

8. Angle and basic pool
Strive part of the meeting between the curved side of the pool and avoid an angle of 90 degrees, to avoid the dead area. Basic parts Swimming not made flat, create the most central part (Botom Drain) deeper and edges toward the middle tilted 20 to 40 degrees. Fish excrement and food remnants will settle at the bottom of the pool with a sloping models will make Kotora collected and easy to clean.

9. Do not put sharp objects on the material and Koi Pond, such as decorative rocks, cement is not smooth pengaciannya. Koi movement sometimes sangt attractive this material can hurt and harm koi.

10. To add Water Pipe pralon. Waterfall, filter systems, water evaporation will reduce the amount of water in the pool, prepare pralon pipe for adding water easily from wells or PAM.

11. Overflow, Prepare sinkhole to anticipate if the water overflows, for example because of rain.

12. Bottom Drain, drain holes at the bottom of the pond to clean the pool.

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