Friday, May 15, 2015

How to farming/livestock Betta Fish

Here are the ways of cultivation or raising betta fish with success along the way nurseries. In the previous post I never talk about the cultivation of earthworms for business and this time "Masterz Seo" will provide an effective way regarding Betta fish farming in terms of time and cost, and it could be a promising business for you.
Perhaps many people think betta fish breeding is hard work and requires a very expensive cost in the process, but the assumption is wrong in my opinion. Because basically cultivating the animal is relatively easy and does not require large capital and does not need a large place to keep this fish. If you are interested to cultivate these fish read the following review.
How to farming/livestock Betta Fish
Ornamental Fish Hickey

First prepare a good betta fish breeders and ready to be mated with a minimum of 3-4 months old traits already issued a male betta fish bubbles, body shape and fins shelf, rather bright attractive colors, more aggressive and agile movement then for breeders betta fish female is ready to mate possess the characteristics of existing white patches on kelaminya, rounded body shape, somewhat distended abdomen, have shorter fins and dull color and movement is more likely to slow.
Betta fish spawning way
Pijahkan Betta fish breeders are already managed in a container or basin
Ornamental Fish Hickey
Let the process for about 42 hours / 2 days hari.Pada first male betta fish will make bubbles for eggs and on the second day will be a process of mating and egg will be stored by the male fish in the bubble.
After a day to two separate female betta fish from the container / bowl let the male betta fish together eggs.
Ornamental Fish Hickey
Keep the container or basin in a dark place and not be moved around because they if the egg falls out of the bubble, the egg will be rotten / die and in the process would not have to be male pakan.Biarkan the process runs for 10 days or one week , after which separate the male betta fish breeders then move the tiller-chicks betta fish larger ketempat carefully to reduce mortality.
Seedlings Ornamental Fish Hickey
To feed chicks betta fish one week old cabbage can be fed water (water from the vegetable marinade cabbage) as the result of water immersion cabbage vegetables contain bacteria / plankton or can also be fed larvae of mosquitoes that have been filtered.
Sorting Seeds Ornamental Fish Hickey

Ornamental Fish Farming Manfish (Angel Fish)

Angel Fish
Aquaculture Manfish - Segment lovers of ornamental fish in Indonesia has never subsided. So that the potential of ornamental fish business is still very large. One type of ornamental fish is rising manfish fish (Angel Fish). Fish from the waters of the Amazon is popular because of its unique shape and color.

Manfish fish market prices relatively stable compared with other types of ornamental fish. From this indicator do ornamental fish farming types manfish will certainly benefit. To do the cultivation of ornamental fish also does not require large tracts of land, aquaculture Manfish can use aquarium.

Aquaculture Manfish

To succeed membudidaya manfish fish course, we must be able to manage sires that optimal results. Manfish fish breeders that have been aged for seven months with a length of approximately 7.5 cm. To be able to breed a maximum of fish fed mosquito larvae, Tubifex worms, or Chironomous. And an sires given medicine Oxytetracycline and salt on a regular basis to be resistant to disease.

The initial process all sires manfish both males and females included in one pool. Later parent will manfish pairs and separated from other fish. Already paired broodstock can be moved into the spawning pond.

Can also betrothed directly, but you must be able to distinguish between male and which female. Manfish male characteristics, among others, large size, the larger the male head of the section between the mouth to the convex-shaped dorsal fin, as well as more streamlined body shape.

Things to consider in spawning ponds, among others, were given a smooth substrate, such as a piece of PVC pipe that is useful for attaching eggs, aquarium walls were given a paper or plastic so that the pool becomes gelam, this is because in these fish prefer to spawn in the dark and the Parent will manfish spawn at night. Every breeders are able to produce eggs between 500-1000 grains.

If you've moved the egg laying next step is attached to the substrate to a hatchery pond. Kola special mini given anti-fungal medications and given water heating (water heater) is installed at a temperature of 27-28oC.

Manfish eggs will hatch after 2-3 days, with hatching eggs ranges from 70-90%. Furthermore paralon attachment points raised eggs and larvae do care until the age of ± 2 weeks. For feed use nauplii Artemia sp 2x a day until the next 10 days old can be given Tubifex worms.

To avoid diseases in ornamental fish farming to note is the quality of water and the amount of feed given.

Overcoming Koi Fish Disease

Overcoming Koi Fish Disease
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Diseases of the Koi fish - koi fish is a type of ornamental fish reared in a pond of the most popular. Fish of this Japanese if peraawtanya random origin to be very vulnerable to disease and koi fish will eventually die. Poor water quality is a major factor in the emergence of diseases koi. Therefore, the circulation of water and water filter must selali controlled, it is necessary to use a water filter to filter out dirt and food scraps so that an always clean.

Diseases of the koi fish is usually caused by bacteria and parasites, in addition to a dirty pond can also cause fish to become stressed. It is necessary for cleaning the filter and also turn the water regularly to maintain the condition of the water to keep it clear and healthy.

Here are some diseases that often attack koi and also how to prevent and resolve them.

Disease At Koi Fish

White Spot, Mottled White At Koi Fish
At speckled White Koi Fish

White spot disease or a disease also known as "ich" on koi fish is caused by a parasite Ichchyophthirius multifilis. The hallmark of involvement white spots or white spots are white spots on the skin the appearance of fish and over time will spread and spread all of koi fish parts including the fins, gills etc. If allowed to continue koi fish will die.

If there are fish that attacked better white spot quarantined to prevent spread to other fish. As for treating can use medications such as methyl blue or malachite. Green repeatedly until white spots disappear.

Disease Mud At Koi Fish

Mud diseases in koi fish is a disease in which the body like mud berlumuri brownish white because koi skin irritation and an infection of the blood vessels due to bacteria.

Mud disease is caused by feeding containing excessive protein, the disease can also be caused by poor filtration system.

For penjegahan use a good filtration system and do not overdo the eating members. Meanwhile, to cope with koi that are getting the mud to do the replacement of the water. And to accelerate the healing process can use magic blue Gesund for mild cases or use Gesund BL 250 is required if the case is severe.

Diseases Cotton / cotton wool at Koi

Diseases Cotton / cotton wool at Koi
Disease caused by the fungus Saprolegnia is a disease in which the fish raised white fibers resembling cotton. Like the case of other fungi, fish are infected should be isolated so as not contagious. For treatment by means of immersion in a solution of salt (NaCl) at a concentration of 1.5 - 2.5%.

Scales inflated - pimples At Koi

This disease causes the scales to swell and peeling due to bacteria. This disease occurs because of a dirty pool. To address the replacement of water and anti-bacterial solution members. For additional feed that can be mixed oksilin acid.

Foul Mouth Disease / moldy mouth at Koi

Mouth rot disease caused by bacteria fexibakter Columnaris bacteria are attacked characteristic koi mouth appear white. To overcome the affected fish move into the pond clean foul mouth that has given the 10% of the volume of salt water.

The tail fin rot disease and At Koi

Diseases Cotton / cotton wool at Koi
ni occurs because hydrophyila Aeromonas bacteria, these bacteria because of the wounds on the fish, causing infection and eventually rot. For treatment by providing Phenoxyethanol, Nitrofurazon, or chloramine. Combine these drugs as much as 1 g / kg of feed.

Similarly, some of the diseases that often attack koi fish, in order to prevent the above diseases simply by controlling the water quality and water circulation, density ponds and also feed given. And if there had been strange signs on fish immediately split between the koi healthy with the sick in order not contagious and immediately given appropriate treatment of a disease that attacks the koi.

How to Take Care of Koi Fish Pond

How to Take Care of Koi Fish Pond
Koi Fish Pond Maintenance
The presence of koi fish will make the pond look more beautiful and give the impression of a pleasant, when used as exterior elements of the house. Of course, it is supported by the design of the pool and appropriate treatment.

To make koi fish and healthy shine, treatment pond into things you need to pay attention. Ornamental koi fish, it requires a life that is clean, comfortable and safe. Free from the remains of the animal excretion, itself and also from the leftovers. Therefore, caring for koi fish pond is important to do.
Listed below are some ways to care for koi fish :

Koi fish pond depth, the depth of the pool is very important for koi fish. The depth of the pool should be more than 80 cm (section filled with water), so that your fish pond is protected from predators, such as cats pet fish and other animals that might destroy your fish. The deeper the fish pond also helps stabilize the water temperature caused by the scorching heat of the sun, or cold weather in the night or in the rain.

Make protector for koi, koi pond location if you choose to be on an open site, make sure there are fully exposed to the sun because in addition to rapidly increase the temperature of the pool water, it can also accelerate the growth of moss that can affect the clarity of the pool water.
Alternative place plants pond edge protector is highly recommended. Additionally you can also use water plants such as lotus, water lilies in the pond, as well as an addition to the beauty of the pond, the water plant has also become a sanctuary that houses fish. However, you should avoid planting large trees because the roots could potentially be damaging your koi pond.
One important thing to note is make sure the foliage of the plant protector does not fall into the pool, and immediately clean when it is unavoidable. Because the leaves can rot and cause growth of moss drift that can disturb the water in the pond and interfere with the growth of koi. Unlike the case with moss stuck to the walls of the pool, this type of moss still make the pool look clear and could be a koi fish food.

Koi fish in order to have a brighter color, you can anticipate by giving a black color on the wall using a paint pond koi pond that many in the market, such as product Flexy COAT WATER ponding. In addition to being able to make koi fish look more beautiful, finishing paint will also reduce algae growth and to avoid direct contact between the cement with a pool that can enhance water ph.
Accessories koi pond, koi fish that you love can grow well and healthy, some of the accessories required in order to maintain the condition of the pond water habitat. Ideally you will need a water pump, filtration systems, pond aerator water, heating water and ultraviolet sterilizer.

Good care koi pond !!!

Caring for Koi Ponds

Caring for Koi Ponds
Caring for Koi Ponds
TREATING KOI POND - Many koi hobbyist beginners think that they can simply enter into a koi pond, feeding and enough to see them grow. Regardless of the condition of the pond and the water, but the Koi fish are very sensitive to changes in their ecosystems. Ecosystem change for the worse the health of the koi fish will decrease and difficult to develop, and even lead to death.

To treat the koi pond koi fish in order to remain in good shape and beautiful, there are some important things to be done include:
1. Keep the surface of the pool to keep them clean of impurities such as leaves and other debris. The leaves are falling into a koi pond and rot will increase the amount of ammonia dissolved in water.

2. Check the pool filter regularly. Make sure there are no blockages and impurities that inhibit the work of the filter. Pool filters that do not work well would make the koi pond dirty conditions and poor water.

3. Clean basic koi pond with a vacuum cleaner for the bottom of the pond or other media deengan. Sewage sludge at the bottom of the pond koi potentially booming ammonia berbahatya for koi fish health.

4. Check the volume pool periodically. Naturally koi pond water will be reduced due to evaporation. Check the depth of the pool water once a week and add water as needed is a good thing. In addition there is the possibility of a leak in the system even at the pool filter.

5. Always monitor the koi. Koi behavior usually show certain symptoms will perching of a disease. For example, koi often rubbed body, there could be bacteria or mites that landed on his body.

6. Provide additional nutrients in fish and pond if necessary.

7. Control the growth of algae / algae with Algaecida or by natural means, such as a good filter, UV Lamp and others.

8. Limit polulasi fish in the pond in order not overpopulated. Excessive amount of fish will increase the levels of ammonia in the pool which will endanger the health of the koi fish.

Caring koi is basically how health care is a good koi pond water. If the health condition of both the koi pond koi will grow well and beautiful to look at. If you maintain Koi Pond with Good and right then, will be healthy Koi fish away from any illness