Friday, May 15, 2015

Overcoming Koi Fish Disease

Overcoming Koi Fish Disease
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Diseases of the Koi fish - koi fish is a type of ornamental fish reared in a pond of the most popular. Fish of this Japanese if peraawtanya random origin to be very vulnerable to disease and koi fish will eventually die. Poor water quality is a major factor in the emergence of diseases koi. Therefore, the circulation of water and water filter must selali controlled, it is necessary to use a water filter to filter out dirt and food scraps so that an always clean.

Diseases of the koi fish is usually caused by bacteria and parasites, in addition to a dirty pond can also cause fish to become stressed. It is necessary for cleaning the filter and also turn the water regularly to maintain the condition of the water to keep it clear and healthy.

Here are some diseases that often attack koi and also how to prevent and resolve them.

Disease At Koi Fish

White Spot, Mottled White At Koi Fish
At speckled White Koi Fish

White spot disease or a disease also known as "ich" on koi fish is caused by a parasite Ichchyophthirius multifilis. The hallmark of involvement white spots or white spots are white spots on the skin the appearance of fish and over time will spread and spread all of koi fish parts including the fins, gills etc. If allowed to continue koi fish will die.

If there are fish that attacked better white spot quarantined to prevent spread to other fish. As for treating can use medications such as methyl blue or malachite. Green repeatedly until white spots disappear.

Disease Mud At Koi Fish

Mud diseases in koi fish is a disease in which the body like mud berlumuri brownish white because koi skin irritation and an infection of the blood vessels due to bacteria.

Mud disease is caused by feeding containing excessive protein, the disease can also be caused by poor filtration system.

For penjegahan use a good filtration system and do not overdo the eating members. Meanwhile, to cope with koi that are getting the mud to do the replacement of the water. And to accelerate the healing process can use magic blue Gesund for mild cases or use Gesund BL 250 is required if the case is severe.

Diseases Cotton / cotton wool at Koi

Diseases Cotton / cotton wool at Koi
Disease caused by the fungus Saprolegnia is a disease in which the fish raised white fibers resembling cotton. Like the case of other fungi, fish are infected should be isolated so as not contagious. For treatment by means of immersion in a solution of salt (NaCl) at a concentration of 1.5 - 2.5%.

Scales inflated - pimples At Koi

This disease causes the scales to swell and peeling due to bacteria. This disease occurs because of a dirty pool. To address the replacement of water and anti-bacterial solution members. For additional feed that can be mixed oksilin acid.

Foul Mouth Disease / moldy mouth at Koi

Mouth rot disease caused by bacteria fexibakter Columnaris bacteria are attacked characteristic koi mouth appear white. To overcome the affected fish move into the pond clean foul mouth that has given the 10% of the volume of salt water.

The tail fin rot disease and At Koi

Diseases Cotton / cotton wool at Koi
ni occurs because hydrophyila Aeromonas bacteria, these bacteria because of the wounds on the fish, causing infection and eventually rot. For treatment by providing Phenoxyethanol, Nitrofurazon, or chloramine. Combine these drugs as much as 1 g / kg of feed.

Similarly, some of the diseases that often attack koi fish, in order to prevent the above diseases simply by controlling the water quality and water circulation, density ponds and also feed given. And if there had been strange signs on fish immediately split between the koi healthy with the sick in order not contagious and immediately given appropriate treatment of a disease that attacks the koi.

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