Thursday, May 14, 2015

Koi Fish food

Koi Fish food
Koi Fish food

The food at the koi fish is generally used to stimulate growth, improve the quality of color and maintain the health of the fish. Koi fish have the metabolic functions of the body are best at temperatures above 21 degrees Celsius. Therefore apart from foods that contain the essential elements needed Koi, also need to consider the right moment to deliver the food. In giving food to the koi must be maintained and ideal balanced composition between foods intended for development and food to brighten the colors. Food growth stimulant (for development) that too much will make the color of the Koi become faded, despite the growth of the fish will be very fast. Feeding with excessive enhancher color is also not good because the growth will be hampered. Make koi become beautiful and well developed is to set the following foods diet.


Food has an important role for the growth and development of Koi fish. In addition to dietary factors other factors that affect the growth of Koi is water quality, water temperature, density of fish in the pool, spacious pool and heredity. Although koi fish can grow and increase in size as age increases, but at the ripe age of reproduction (less lebuih 2 years) growth of koi fish will experience a slowdown. At this time a larger food used for the production of eggs in females and production Koi Koi Sperm for males.

Food for koi fish as well as other animals have to contain to contain multiple elements, such as protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

1. Protein

Proteins are made of amino acids. Thirteen essential amino acids must be contained in Koi diet. Protein allow koi to grow, repair damaged tissue and produce eggs or sperm with good. Lack of protein or amino acids essential cause koi fish grow more slowly and if this problem persists, it can cause deformation of the spine. Excellent chose Koi foods in the form of pellets which have a high protein percentage (above 30%). Natural protein can be obtained from natural animal like silk worms.

2. Fat

Fat is a source of energy for koi fish, their important role in providing fattyacids, such as triglycerides and phospholipids, a vital component of the membrane that surrounds the entire cell wall. Koi can make almost all the fatty acids they need with the exception of linoleic and linolenic acids, which are very important and must be supplied in the diet. Linolenic acid needed for growth. All fats are made in a similar way to the proteins, but of fatty acids, rather than amino acids, bound together with glycerol. If the essential fatty acid is removed from the diet, symptoms of damaged fins, the heart and can lead to liver problems. Fat has a low melting point and because it is more easily digested by koi fish.

Fats can be obtained from food from fish, soy and corn oil and wheat. Fatty acids become rancid when in contact with air, known as a chemical oxidation process. In koi, the liver is the main organ to store fat and if fed spoiled food to them, can cause illness and death.

3. Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates also form the energy for metabolism of koi fish. Too many carbohydrates would be very bad for the health of koi, which resulted in degeneration of the liver in storing substances glikogen.Squash, bread, peas, citrus fruits and watermelon is a good source of carbohydrates.

4. Vitamins

Vitamins are essential for body metabolism and growth of koi fish, vitamin requirements are increased during spawning. Vitamins are substances structured complex, only needed in small amounts in food, but deficiencies can cause clinical disorders. Vitamins are divided into two categories: fat soluble and water soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins are found in many forms, all of which are metabolized slowly and can be stored in body fat. Excess fat-soluble vitamins can cause a condition known as hypervitaminosis, which, depending on the vitamin, can cause clinical disorders. Water-soluble vitamins are easily absorbed and do not normally excreted. Vitamins A, D, E, K, B1, B2, B6, B12, Biotin, Choline and Folic Acid. Vitamin C - Keeping the immune system to increase resistance to disease.

5. Mineral

Minerals, will help basic metabolic functions, and perform their own tasks, which include building skeletal structures, osmoregulation, neural development, and maintain the efficiency of gas exchange in the blood system. Little is known about mineral deficiencies in fish, probably because most of the minerals are absorbed from the surrounding water. Usually 12 percent of the diet consists of mineral, contained in fish food in the form of ash.


Basically everything Koi are eating animals (omnivores), because it can be given any food. Koi food can be provided in the form of natural or pellet form. Natural foods derived from vegetables and animals are all around us. For example can be given growth of silk worms, caterpillars hongkong, snails, shrimp, mussels, earthworms, Dapnia (water fleas) and others. Of vegetables and fruits can be given kale, carrots, watermelon, oranges and others. Koi food in the form of pellets also have forms and diverse nutrient content in general there are two forms: floating and sinking. Food float allows us to see and observe koi when consuming food surface.

Koi pellets price is also very diverse, ranging precious cheap to expensive. Koi feed imported from Japan are usually high-priced but good quality. Koi feed the good is the food that contains all the substances needed Koi. Besides good food does not make a koi pond becomes cloudy and does not leave much residue. High-priced feed Koi Koi is usually given to high-priced super quality as well, if given to regular class Koi will only squander the money, because it will not provide significant changes in the koi.

In terms of the content of koi food has several functions, for growth usually has a high protein content. To brighten the colors usually contain carotenoids such as color enhancher Spirulina Algae are much menagndung Carotene. Carotene is a substance contained in a plant that are useful for Koi color brilliance. Algae Spirulina contains many of these substances. Carotene affects the red pigmentation, but if used in too high concentrations of lead white pigment in the koi will be pink.

Koi fish good color is not only enhanced by eating a good color enhancer, but need food that can improve health and good endurance because healthy fish tend to have a lighter color than the disease.

White on the koi will be brilliant if good environmental conditions. Red and yellow pigments thrive in water that is rich in green phytoplankton (single-celled plants). However, the pool containing phytoplankton is difficult to enjoy the beauty of the Koi because the water is green, because it needs a diet will increase the red pigmentation. Black pigment that is enriched in water with hard water with a pH level of 7.5 to 8.5. However, changing the pH level of the water and can affect the toxicity of ammonia and nitrite.


Most people generally feed the Koi 2-5 times a day. If Koi fed about 2-3 times a day, they will grow more slowly than if fed five times a day, if they were fed 3-5 times a day, they will grow rapidly and reach maximum size faster. Tips refurbish koi fish meal was better fed in small amounts but in a frequency that is often compared to give food in large quantities in the frequency slightly. Basically Koi fish do not have the stomach, if it is full, even though they want to eat the food will directly dikelurakan as dirt. The more koi fed, the more dirt will dikelurkan. Therefore to be considered to avoid overfeeding. Overfeeding would make the pool dirty easily and in the long term become distended abdomen koi (Potbelly).
Air temperature (C) Feeding Quantity Food Type
Less Than 10º Do not feed the Koi
The temperature at 10 ° C. over one month may require additional eating a low protein and high in carbohydrates. For Koi Living in a cold seasonal area
10-13 2-3 times a week or if Koi Hungry high carbohydrate, low protein,
4-5 times per week or if Koi Hungry.
Low protein (25%) pellets, high carbohydrate, vegetables and fruit.
15-18 C
Once a day and the amount of protein levels increased to (35%. Vegetables and Fruits
18-22 C
One or two times a day
35% protein pellet, add fruits and vegetables and plankton as a variation.
22-26 C
3 to 4 times a day with protein pellets tinggu (35% to 40%), color enhancers. Add plankton, vegetables, and fruits.

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